Angola, Luanda MIssion 2013-2014

Angola, Luanda MIssion 2013-2014

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ciara was baptized

Hello Everyone!!
This week it was a pretty good week. First thing great that happened during this week is on Tuesday IT RAINED!! During the day it was all fine we actually left our house to go teach early in the day. We taught a girl named Alaina Campos she actually was really cool just had some beleifs of a Jehovas Witness so she didnt except everything we said but we still got to speak more with her. Then sat with Adão. He is still doing amazing and is progressing really well. He knows for a fact he will be baptised at the end of this month the 30th im really excited for that! Then we taught one more person then Elder Kearney who went home this week was in Viana and we had to go take him to some old Members houses which they werent there. So that took more of the day so we ended up not getting home till later than expected to eat lunch. It was actually dinner by the time we ate ha! but luckly we went home because it started Pooring rain! But we had some other lessons to be taught so put our rain jackets on and went outt! yeahhh we were walking though water up to our ankles and we were just getting soaked(Ruined my dailey planner). All of the lessons canceled but great experience!:)

The rest of week went well also. One thing i forgot to say in last weeks letter is that we have one more person in our house. Elder Francisco he is just from another branch here and is waiting for his visa to the United States to learn english he will serve in Ganna. But he is with Elder Dredge and Elder Dunkley he is fun. But went on a division with him and Elder Dredge it was fun and a good day. Friday we set another baptsimal date with São for the 14th of December she is 15 and already has a baby but her dad is a member and she is progressing well also! That was pretty much my week i enjoyed it and it went super fast!
I hope all your weeks went well also and this week is great too! i pray that the lord is with you all during the week, I know he loves you all, and i surely love you all! Have a great one!
Love you Elder Banta

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