Angola, Luanda MIssion 2013-2014

Angola, Luanda MIssion 2013-2014

Monday, September 9, 2013

 I cant believe this week is the last one of the transfer. Next monday we will know if there are any changes. Wow it honestly FLEW by!! I feel like i just got here last week. Soo it's going good though!!


Hello Everyone!!
How is everyone doing?  We noticed this week that our area yeah it has slown down so we set a goal to try and get references from people and try and get contacts. We have been praying for it all of the week. And then all of a sudden we found two new, and 3 new investigators who seem really cool and we set a baptismal date with one of them. I hope they work out. And we also stopped by a house of a investigator who has been searching the church for 2 years and we marked a baptismal date with her so it went really great, and after her she gave us a reference! It was a day full of miracles!! Then sunday 6 of our investigators showed up to church including Stela and her Family!  I am hoping this week though it can continue on and we can continue to encounter the people who are prepared and willing to hear our message.
Today P-day we had the aweosme chance to go on a Safari. It was quite amazing seeing all of the scenery and how green Angola actually is. But as we first arrived to the location, we pulled in to go get in a truck so we could go out, and right when that happened a group of giraffes popped up with their babies and everything it was really sweet to see. We also saw a ton of monkeys and they would come steal food from us, ha they were kind of annoying but great at the same time, kids would love them. But we got to go out and we saw More giraffes, elephants and just some type of deer and Wildabeast. We didnt get to see like Zebras which would of been more awseome, but that is okay! It ended up being a great day and a great experience after we returned after a long day! I sent some pictures through email so hopefully you guys will see some of the things i saw!!